

I'm sorry to have some interval for update my stitches,because of my CFS disease.:( Usually when my health condition feel better in a measure,I stitch something little by little on the bed. In this interval I finished stitching one design,"The Gilded Cage", and now I've started stitching "Miss Mary Mack".

Always I appreciate for dear stitchers visiting this blog,and giving me the comments. And I'm sorry that I cannot visit your site well...for me,it's heavy task to sit in front of the PC, to push of a keyboard botton,to do everything...CFS is unbelievable disease.

Well...I'll up "The Gilded Cage" and "Miss Mary Mack". :)

At the last,I'd like to tell Big Thank You for dear stitchers visiting this blog. :D

4 件のコメント:

Annemarie さんのコメント...

The Gilded Cage is beautiful! And I've always adored Mis Mary Mack, so I can't wait to follow your progress on that one.

Take extra good care of yourself Piko. Do whatever you need to do to feel better. Yes, we miss you, but it's more important for you to feel better!

Margie さんのコメント...

Beautiful! Miss Mary Mack is one of my favorites :-) I hope you feel better soon!

匿名 さんのコメント...

Love your stitching especially the Gilded Cage!!
Hope you feel better soon!!

Cathy さんのコメント...

Gilded Cage is beautiful! Take care of yourself.